Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The reason of human life

The reason of human life is to reach immortality. The success of a human being depended on the fact, how long he lived. Sometimes a death of a man caused big changes but it was not any more the success of the ex-individual.

The reason of the human life is first to prolong the life and the same time to guarantee some level of acceptable living conditions. When immortality will be reached, it will not be a cheap method. It will cost a fortune. Some people will pay for it but for some people it will be free because of their merits.

Immortality can be sustained but it can be ended. It can be ended on your own decision or on the decision of the society. If you are needed, your life will be sustained. Human copies will be made of the living. Insurance will cover resurrection from that copy. Of course you will lose your memories and feelings for the period between your death and the copy, but it will not be a tragedy.

Instigation or urge for work, creativity and productivity will be driven by the need of collecting enough merits to deserve eventual resurrection or prolongation of life.

You will need a licence for child education. Everybody will be sterilized and only the chosen ones will be granted to have a child. The children will not be born in a retort. They will be born traditionally, because it is of utmost importance for a child being with the mother in the first nine months.

Some rebels will depart this society for living free and to raise children free. They will try to give everybody the chance of immortality. This will not work out perfectly, so this other society will function erraneously. Other societies will coexist in abundance, but the most successful will be the society based on achievement's immortality.

Sperm, menstruation - Future

The people will not use any conventional method of toilette. They will forget about their primitive needs. In the living area a material teleporter will function and it will transfer all the material we don't need from our body to some collector for recycling.

Menstruation and sperm production won't be a problem anymore. All the fluids will be teleported from inside the body to hidden tanks.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Hosszú együttlét

Régen Egyiptomban az emberek élete olyan szinten volt egyszerűbb, hogy hamarabb meghaltak. Éltek, gyermekeik lettek, meghaltak harmincéves korukra. Nem kellett olyasmivel szembesülniük, hogy esetleg megunják párjukat. Talán a mai világ legnagyobb kihívása az, hogy akár több életet is élhetsz emberöltőd alatt. S mivel mindenki változik, ezért majdan nem azzal fogsz együttélni, akit megismertél, hanem egy új emberrel. S a kihívás mindig adott lesz - újra s újra megismerni őt - s önmagad..